I fall in peaces
Choreographers: Klaus & Marion Völkl                         FT PH IV
Music: I Fall To Pieces-Patsy Cline

Sequence: Intro-AABC-Bridge-AABC-End          music

Intro: OP fcg Apt,pt; Tog to SCP,tch;
Part A: Solo trn in 6;; Three-stp fwd; Wk 2; Natural hover cross;;
Reverse turn;; to SCP (second time to CP-fcg wall)
Part B: Hover to SCP; Weave 3; Open impetus; PU,fwd,cl;
Diamond turn 1/2 way;; Qk trn in 4; Lunge sd,rec to fc wall;
Part C: Whisk to SCP; PU to Scar; Cross hover to SCP;
Promenade weave to SCP;; Wk 2; 3step; Natural trn;
Bridge: Overspin trn; 1/2 box bk; Vine 3; Thru,fc,cl;
End: Overspin trn; 1/2 box bk; 2 sd cl; Apt,pt.