Forever And For Always
Music: Forever and For Always-Shania Twain
Choreographers: Klaus & Marion Völkl                         SB PH IV+1 (Shadow Bota Fogo)

Sequence: Intro-ABC-Inter-ABC-Inter-ABCC-End           music

Intro: CP M fcg LOD- wait 2 meas;; Lazy Samba Turn 3/4;; ;;;;
Part A: Basic;; Whisk Left & Right;; Spot Volta;; Whisk Right & Left;; Spot Volta;; Whisk L & R;; Basic;;
Part B: 2 Stationary Walks;; Traveling Voltas twd RLOD;; 2 Stationary Walks;; Traveling Voltas twd LOD;; Whisk L & R;; Stationary Walks;;
Part C: 2 Shadow Bota Fogo;; Criss Cross;; 2 Shadow Bota Fogo;; Criss Cross;;
Side Basic-twice;; Box-twice;;;;
Inter: Full Lazy Samba Turn;;;; ;;;;
End: Lazy Samba Turn;;;; ;;;; Stp Apart & Point;;