Choreographers: Klaus & Marion Völkl                         WZ PH V
Music: Anticipation by Cantaluna

Sequence: Intro-ABC-BCA--End           music   

Intro: Bfly Bjo Pos ld ft free M fcg Wall;;
Solo Turn in 6;; Whisk to SCP; Fwd Hover to Bjo; Bk Hover to SCP; Chair & Slip;
Part A: One Left Turn; Hover Corte; Back Whisk; Wing; Drag Hesitation; St bk, bk/lk,bk; Impetus trn to SCP;
Man Roll across; Lady Roll Across; Man,sd,cl; Hesitation Change;
Part B: 2 LF trn to DLW;; Hover Telemark; Nat Hover Cross;; Open Telemark; Nat Hover Fallway; Slip Pivot to Bjo;
Stp fwd, fwd/lk fwd; Man,sd,cl; Spin Trn; Box Finish; Dbl Rev Spin; Change of DIR; 2 LF trns to fc WALL;;
Part C: Hover; Thru open Vine 3; Roll 3; Twinkle thru-twice to SCP;; Weave to Bjo;; fwd to fc, sd cl;
Whisk; Thru, fwd/lk,fwd; Thru to Promenade Sway; Slow Change Sway;
Rise,cl, fwd; Open Natural; Impetus Turn; Thru, sd, cl; Rev Box;; Half Box fwd; Right lunge sd, rec, slip;
End: Slow Contra Check twd LOD;