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The Way To Your Heart
Choreographers: Jürgen Müller & Klaus Völkl                         TS PH II

Sequence: Intro-A-Inter-A*-Inter-BA-Inter-BC-Inter-BB-End          music

Intro: OFP/wall wait;; Apt Pt; Tog Tch; Roll 4;;Rk Fwd, Rec; Rk Bk, Rec;
Part A: SCP LOD 2 Fwd 2s;; Lace Up;;;; Twirl 2; Walk 2; *
2 Fwd 2s;; Vine Apt & Clap; Vine Tog;
Charge Turn in; Fwd 2-Step; Charge Turn in; 2-Step to Fc;
Inter: Traveling Box;;;; Vine 4; Pivot 2; 2 Turning 2s;;
Part B: Fc to Fc; Bk to Bk; Basketball Turn;; Hitch 4; Walk & Fc;
2 Tng 2s to PU;; Prog Sciss to Scar; Wk out 2; Prog Sciss to Bjo;
Wk in 2; Fwd,lk-2x; Wk 2; Fwd Hitch; Hitch/Scissors to Fc;
Part C: Sd Draw Close; Sd Draw Tch; Sd Draw Close - Twice;;
Sd Draw Tch; Sd Draw Close; 2 Sd Closes; Sd Thru;
Vine 3; Vine Wrap; Unwrap; Change Sides in 3; - repeat;;;;
(SCP) 2 Fwd 2s;; Circle Away & Tog;; Tamara Across & Bk;;;;
End: Vine 3; Vine Wrap; Unwrap; Change Sides in 3; - repeat;;;;
(Bfly) Hitch Apt; Scissor Thru to SCP; Twirl 2; Apt Pt;