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Presents for Christmas
Choreographers: Klaus & Marion Völkl                         JV PH V+1

Sequence: Intro-ABC-BC-ABC-AB-End          music

Intro: 6 ft apt;; 4 pt stp tog;;
Part A: Jive chasse L & R; Fallaway Throwaway to SH RH;,, Sweetheart shove;;
Triple Wheel 3;;,, Chg hands beh bk;;
Part B: Flicks into breaks;;;;; Throwaway; Link to Whip trn;;
Part C: Basic drop hands;,, 4 Sailor shuffles;;,, Chg pl R to L;;
Chg Pl L to R;,, American Spin;;
End: 4 Sailor shuffles to Bfly;; Rk bk,rec, 3 point steps & hold.